Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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abstruse: difficult to understand
addle: to muddle; confuse; to become rotten, spoil, as an egg
affricative: characterized by a stop, followed by a release, in music
alliumphile (-phobe): lover (hater) of garlic
anathema: a detestable thing or person
antic: odd or eccentric behavior, amusing gestures, pranks
apoplexy: a stroke
aquiline: of or similar to an eagle; hooked like an eagle's beak
askance: with a side or oblique glance (as in suspicion)
auricome: golden hair
bait: harass; tease
beatific: showing or producing exalted joy or blessedness; blissful
bootless: fruitless, futile, useless
brook: to tolerate, to put up with
cadge: to beg
captious: nit-picking
cashiered: dismissed in disgrace
cession: yielding to another; an act of ceding (as of territory)
chrysostomatic: "golden mouthed"; richly eloquent
cloacal: having to do with sewers and sewage
cohort: a group or band united in some struggle
conclave: a confidential or secret meeting
contumely: rudeness or contempt in behavior or speech
cortege: a train of attendants; procession
crepuscular: dusk, twilight; "shady" in a wicked sense
cursive: in flowing strokes resembling handwriting; flowing
debunk: to show it as false
deipnosophist: one who converses eruditely at the dinner table
desideratum: that which is desired
diglot: a bilingual
disingenuous: insincere, lacking candor or frankness
divination: prophecy; augury
draconian: extreme harshness or severity
ecclesiastical: of or pertaining to a church; clerical
effrontery: shameless audacity
emolument: compensation for service rendered, in salary or fee
enracinate: to be rooted in
epigram: witticism
eructate: to burp, to belch
exaction: exorbitant demand; extortion
expunge: to wipe out
favonian: referring to the west wind; hence favorable, auspicious
fiat: decree
fleece: to defraud of money or property; to swindle
font: church basin, source or fountainhead
fribble: to trifle, to act in a silly, frivolous way
funereal: mournful; sad; solemn
gauche: crude, lacking in social grace
gibbous: rounded, convex; moon at more than half full
grandiloquence: high-flown, bombastic speech
gustatory: of or pertaining to the sense of taste
harrow: to break up and level the ground after plowing
hermaphrodite: a living organism with both male and female sex organs
hovel: a small, miserable dwelling; shack
ignominy: the disgrace resulting from a shameful act
impassive: not showing emotion
imputation: charge; something imputed or ascribed
indite: to write; compose
inscrutable: unfathomable, mysterious
intractable: stubborn, obstinate
jeremiad: an elaborate and prolonged lamentation or a tale of woe
kowtow: to act with servility
lethe: oblivion, forgetfulness of the past
logomachy: a dispute about or concerning words
malapropism: ridiculous misuse of words
mediatize: to annex a smaller, weaker state to a larger, powerful one
mien: air, bearing, indicating a person's character or mood
mordant: sarcastic, biting
nadir: lowest point
noesis: intellectual activity; the exercise of reason
obloquy: disgrace resulting from public denunciation
onomatopoetic: words that sound like what they mean ("boom")
panache: verve, flair, style, dash
parvenu: an upstart
penultimate: next to last
pettifoggery: quibbling over petty details
platitude: trite remark
prate: to babble, to talk too much
procreate: to generate offspring
prurient: having or susceptible to lewd thoughts
quaff: drink heartily in long drafts
rancor: bitter, rankling resentment and ill will
redoubtable: formidable (adversary)
revanchism: a foreign policy motivated by irredentism
salvo: a burst of gunfire
scarify: to make superficial incision; to leave an emotional scar
sedulous: diligent, assiduous, industrious
sine qua non: an essential or indispensable ingredient
solipsism: self-centeredness
subsumed: included within a larger group
sylph: a slim, graceful girl
tepid: lukewarm
transmogrify: to change into a grotesque or bizarre shape or form
unseemly: improper (behavior or manners)
veracious: true; truthful
votive: anything given in fulfillment of a pledge or vow